Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mrs. Kaplan's A,G and H Blocks Blog Posts 2nd marking period

After you have sent me your draft via my email address and have received my reply with your grade,please post your annotated bibliography paragraph here for 2nd marking period. Remember, we are all blogging at different times. Don't forget the layout of a successful blog:

1. Topic Sentence -with author/title and literary technique used
2. Details - relevant details from the text to support your discussion of the literary technique
3. Analysis - discussion of "HOW" the author uses the literary technique to do something
4. Summary Sentence - restate topic sentence

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ms. Prevosti's E Block Blog Posts 2nd marking period

Please blog here for 2nd marking period. Remember, we are all blogging at different times. Don't forget the layout of a successful blog:

1. Topic Sentence -with author/title and literary technique used
2. Details - relevant details from the text to support your discussion of the literary technique
3. Analysis - discussion of "HOW" the author uses the literary technique to do something
4. Summary Sentence - restate topic sentence